Pine Grove Furnace State Park, Gardners, PA September 9-15, 2019

Who's coming: (Let Mabel or Molly know if you have made your reservation!)
- Mike, Jake and Dakota, site 29
- Zach and the Beagle Brothers (Fred and Grant), site 30 (F-Sn)
- Tommy Schardt, site 32
- Dan and April Speed, site 36
- Ruth, Sparky and Kibble Megargee, site 38
- Chip, wife, daughter and dog, site 39 (F-Sa)
- Wes and Dottie Cray, site 40 (Th-F)
- Ed and Peggy and Miss Maddie Matters Kowalski, site 41
- Michael, Jamie and Russell Leichty, site 42
- Linda Besore and Linda Barton, 2 dogs and granddaughter, visiting on Saturday
- Nancy, Mabel and Molly Kroes, site 44
- Laurie and (maybe) Bryon Russell, site 45
- Pamela and Darrell Loy, site 46 (M-Sa)
- Ted and Debra Bair, site 47 (W-Sn)
- John Stavisky, site 50
- Larry Fulcher, site 54 Trunkback!
- Doug and Julie Brouder, site 58 (Tr-Sn) Trunkback!