The brass 90 degree fitting
also from the RV store and keeps a short piece of hose from

For looks , I tried to keep the
fitting in the center of the folds of the outside alunimum. Of
course if you are keeping everything original, you might not
want to do this. Just passing along some thoughts.

added by Nancy K., I was going to do this with my '69's rebuild,
but then opted to not put water back into the trailer. I had
purchased a space saving 6 gallon water jug at Walmart to use
for my project. It's turquoise!

Eric: I tried dreaming up lots of options on my 72
Highlander, I ended up just plumbing it with dual 2" PVC
pipes, so it can hold about 2-3 gallons on the road,
and I picked up a Thetford SmartTote tank to hook up while at the
campgrounds. The clearance under the trailer just seemed too tight
for a tank, and I wasn't about to chance puncturing a shallow one.
from Len: 2" ID pvc will hold .1632
gal per foot. So a 5 gallon capacity would require 30' of pipe)
of the rear valve 1"1/2 connection comes
over from
the sink "gray water" the double run allows
for some temporary
storage while on the road.
Don: I
bought a large round oil change thingy that fits under the Scotty
nicely. However
we have never used the sink (yet).
bought it at Advanced Auto, on sale. Around $10
or less. It seals and you can pick it up and carry it away. It
is probably 30" in dia. and 4" deep, so it holds
quite a lot. It also has
a pour cap.
From Louise: I was looking for a solution for my 1987 Scotty gray water drain. This is what I found: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B003VATEFS/ref=gno_cart_title_1?ie=UTF8&psc=1&smid=ATVPDKIKX0DER
A piece of 3/4" garden hose attaches to the bottom of the sink and to this part.