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Securing Your Trailer

With such tiny trailers as most of our Serro Scottys, it is very easy for anyone to just drive up, hook on, and tow away. This page gives suggestions for securing your trailer.

Nancy recommends the above lock from TSC

Dominic uses a cut off ball with a hooded Master lock from West Marine
(be sure the ball is cut off so no one can lower it into their hitch and stick a nut on it and still drive off with your cherished Scotty!)

Other Solutions

Keep Your Door Secure

Here Dominic has taken a polished hasp lock from Ace Hardware, reversed it and bent it in a vice to the shape of the door.  The screws are exposed that way, but it works to secure the door during transit. Nancy suggests using square head screws as most people would not be carrying a driver for them. 


National Serro Scotty Organization | Delton, Michigan 49046