Randy & Kristie Minnix 1963 13' Gaucho Rebuild

As purchased

Door side de-skinned

1/2" fiberglass removed - door side

Close-up back side of refrigerator

Close up of roof edge

Front corner

Lower front

Around the wheel well


Front, after skin & window removal

12 volt dinette light wiring

Lower front



This might require more than one cup of coffee...

Getting to work

Removing those infamous spiral aluminum nails - roof seam

Roof vent removed

Looks like this one was overlapped nearly 2" (roof seam)

Lots of rot under there

LOTS of rot under there!


License plate light "framing"


Vent rot

This side does not look too bad

Front - de-skinned

Rear - de-skinned

Taillight "framing"

Inner door trim

Tongue primed

New subflooring and edge framing

New flooring is in

Gaucho framing

Tongue and jack painted

Wheels painted and trim rings installed

New cabinet

New dorm frig

New countertop

One side cut out

Wheel well swoosh cut

Two sides installed

Original hubcaps

Door cut out

Wrapping and framing the front/ceiling/rear

The rear


Front framing

Inside dinette area

Installing breaker box

Breaker box

New dinette bench

Other dinette bench


Countertop & trim installed



Roof framing

Upper cabinet 110 wiring

Rear framing

Adding front/roof/rear primed skin

Sides TekFoiled

Little bit of bondo

Windows in and vents (to nothing now) replaced

Taillights and License Plate light/holder installed

Doors on

New interior painted and hardware installed

First trip out - looks GREAT!


Bye bye...