Zach Engle's a/c solution is now on the a/c page in the website
Butch and Pam Starner's JS715 Scotty won the Councour's D Elegance at the recent Tin Can Tourists rally in Camp Dearborn, Michigan.
Archipelegro Breeze working on a Trunkback (this is the original floor)
New member Josh Rotenberg just picked up this Scotty
New members Harry Stenger and Barbara Mathes have this 1983 Scotty 16
The Arpins got out in Virginia
AV Groves traveled from NC to California with their HiLander, shown here in San Diego
Brauns took their's out west
Brett Dixon got out for a vintage Scotty/vintage Jeep get-together
Dakota, Mike and Jake got out and about with the Scotty
Danny Lambreth took his rig to a festival
Ian Thomas, camping at home
Jane and John Martell got up to Rangely, Maine
Randy Cole out with his '59
Sharon Nelson Jones out and about
Sylvia Elands out and about
The Zens camped in Bodega Bay, location of Alfred Hitchcock's "The Birds" movie!