About us
who we are & how we came to be
gatherings and events
Classy Cruising
cool member tow vehicles & Scottys
National Rally
held every July in Pennsylvania
NSSO Stores
buy NSSO/Serro apparal & merchandise
what others are doing or what they have done
collected wisdom from group members
Scotty Newsletter
keep up with what's going on
Members Only
forums and mailing lists - join here too
Contact us
have a question?
Members Only
Our primary method of communicating with each
other will be via mailing lists. Once you've joined by paying
your membership fee, you will receive e-mailed invitations to subscribe
to the lists which include the instructions for joining. You will also receive an e-mailed invitation to join the private NSSO photos group. Keep those messages because they will contain information you may need
to refer to later.