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Spring 2006 Bidwell Point Arkansas Campout
The National Serro Scotty Organization, in conjunction with Chris Strohm's Vintage Shasta Group held a Spring Campout in the Ozark Mountains of Arkansas May 11-14, 2006. Bidwell Point is a campground on Norfork Lake.
Nancy's Scotty 3 in front of Monk's Mound at Cahokia.
This mound is 22 million cubic yards of earth! Notice the size of the humans
on the left and on the top of the mound!

Group Shot
From left: Keith Kroes, Kevin Helwig & Mabel, Liz and Edie, Alan & Kristen West
and their two sons, Renee with Stephen in front, Nancy Kroes, Cuz'n Dean
Dee Kroes with Sophie, Drew & Chris Strohm
Drew wading at the rocks. Scotty 3 is in background.
The new NSSO Rally Banner.

Kevin's Rear Door Scotty - check out the firewood...
Can Kevin make a bonfire or what?
We all went out to Fred's Fish House for dinner.
Fred's, home of Arkansas's best catfish and hush puppies!
From left: Dee and Keith, Chris, Stephen, Liz, Renee & Drew, Cuz'n Dean and Kevin

Stephen the camp hornblower!
Liz and Mabel
Stephen's first look at "mudbugs" (aka crayfish). He passed on them...
Dean's Dutch Oven Cinnamon Rolls
Kevin Cooks Bacon
Keith cooks bacon (and Dee samples)
And we all eat - communal breakfast YUM YUM YUM
A group side trip to Mountain Village 1890 in Bull Shoals, AR
Top O'The Ozarks Tower, from the Bull Shoals Dam
Tower from the ground
Bull Shoals Dam from the Top O'The Tower
Dutch Oven Cooking (Dean's Set up)
Kevin's DO Chicken
After the potluck, we had prizes.
Kristen and Alan West won the 5" Lewis & Clark Commemorative DO that Dean donated.
Cuz'n Dean and his 18' HiLander Trunkback
Kevin and his Rear Door Scotty

Keith Relaxing with the 1961 15' Front Kitchen/Side Dinette Scotty
The Strohm Family's 1963 Shasta AirFlyte
The West Family's 1958 Shasta AirFlyte
Shadow Strohm
Lots of visitors stopped by to talk Vintage Trailers!
Heading out - Two Silversides
Campout 2006 is over - see you next year!