Alaska July 10-24, 2019

This is not an NSSO event per se, however members Nancy Kroes, and Ed and Peggy Kowalski will be flying in to Anchorage and have rented a motorhome and will be touring Alaska from July 10 through the 21 in 2019 and then spending an additional two days in Anchorage from a motel with a car rental. Since we have several members who live in Alaska, making our itinerary known in case any there wish to join us. There may be members joining us from Ontario, Canada who are driving to Alaska and meeting up with us in Tok.
July 10: Talkeetna Camper Park in Talkeetna
Let Nancy know if you have made your reservation
July 11 and 12: Midnight Sun RV Park, near Denali National Park
Let Nancy know if you have made your reservation
July 13 and 14: Fairbanks Rivers Edge RV Park in Fairbanks
Let Nancy know if you have made your reservation
July 15: Sourdough Campground and RV Park in Tok
Let Nancy know if you have made your reservation
July 16: Northern Nights Campground-RV in Glennallen
Enroute we will stop at:
Let Nancy know if you have made your reservation
July 17: Williwaw Campground in Chugach State Park
Let Nancy know if you have made your reservation
July 18 and 19: Homer Spit Campground in Homer
Let Nancy know if you have made your reservation
July 20 and 21: Miller's Landing RV Park in Seward
Let Nancy know if you have made your reservation
July 22 and 22: Aspen Suites Hotel in Anchorage